
Persian Cat

Persian breed is old and originated in Mesopotamia, today’s Iran. It is an elegant long-haired beauty, who grabbed the attention of Pietro Della Valle, an Italian and a world traveler. In 1626, he brought the first Persian cat to Europe.

In the 19th century at a cat show in Crystal Palace Persian-type felines were also exhibited. Queen Victoria had affection for the breed. Through selective breeding, Persian got molded to its current-day appearance. They have a short face, round head, chubby cheeks, snub nose, big eyes, small rounded-ears, and a sturdy body.

Vital Stats

7lbs to 12lbs14” to 18” excluding its tail10 – 15 yearsPersia

Behavior & Personality

  • Quiet & sweet
  • Affectionate and adore attention
  • Don’t demand consistent attention
  • Stay a little reserved or standoffish around new guests
  • Persian cats prefer a serene home 
  • Let their need be known like little playtime or regular meals
  • Never climbs up or jumps around or perches on top
  • Sits comfortably on the sofa or chair, when you are busy


  • Breathing issue because of their constricted nostrils
  • Excessive tearing
  • Dental malocclusions [imperfect teeth meshing together]
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Eye issues like entropion and cherry eye
  • Susceptible to suffer from ringworm
  • A genetic issue like polycystic kidney disease
  • Skin condition like seborrhea oleosa [hair loss, redness, and itchiness]


Persians like dry and wet food. The former is less costly and easy to store. The latter is enjoyed more but is less energetic than the dry feline food. Cats need a high-protein diet. Carbs are no good as they can cause diabetes or digestive issues. 

  • 52% protein
  • 35% fat
  • 12% carbs

Persian cats even need consideration related to their fur and faces. They have a flat face, so eating dry food and drinking sufficient water is challenging for them. You will need a wide shallow bowl to feed them or they will find it hard to eat. From wet food they may not get sufficient nutrients, so a balancing act between dry and wet will offer your feline to try exciting meal options.

Persian cats have thick long coats, so you need to select food designed for hairball management. Cats swallow hair as they self-groom, which accumulates in their stomach until they move across the intestine. If the hairballs get stuck in the intestine there can be a dangerous blockage. Keep hairball management in mind, while choosing cat food. Food rich in protein and low in carb along with extra high moisture is good for hairball management. 

Senior Persian cats may have bad teeth problems, so choose food palatable, nutritious, and easy to chew. There are cat foods for preventing oral issues, so you can check out the options. 

Grooming & Care

The long and shiny coat needs to stay tangle-free and clean. So, brush it gently every day. Make sure to learn how to use the metal comb properly to detangle mats without pulling the hair. Regular baths once in a month with appropriate shampoo is great. Daily litter box cleaning is a must because the litter can get stuck to your Persian coat or paws. Most possibly, the cat will stop using it.

Tearing is a common issue, so wipe eye corners daily to avoid the forming of under-eye stains. Brushing teeth weekly is a proactive step towards preventing periodontal disease. Clean their ears once a week with a damp cotton cloth and check for ear mites or infection. Grooming is a great moment for bonding with your Persian. Start grooming when it is still a kitten, so they get familiar and comfortable with the process as they mature.