Barking dogs not just makes neighbors frustrated but even the pet parents. Whenever they detect a stranger nearby the pup starts to bark. This behavior can sometimes embarrass the owner when they take the pup for a walk. How will ...

People are having a hard time adjusting to the new routines of work from home and handling family responsibilities. In the same way, our dogs are finding it difficult to adapt to this change. Reduced exercise and bustling household can ...

Cat food is a crucial aspect of feline parenting. A proper diet eliminates the cause of medical conditions and veterinary expenses. Choosing natural cat food is overwhelming not just in the different styles, ingredients, but even in terms of pricing. ...

Toys are a great way to stimulate the cat’s mind and their instinctive chasing and pouncing skills. It encourages the cat to exercise more as well as prevent issues like boredom, separation anxiety, and obesity. A cat toy is a ...

In California, Ann Baker bred Ragdoll cat in the 1960s. It is a large, semi-longhaired, laid-back feline with fascinating blue eyes. It is a pointed breed, where the body is lighter than its face, legs, ears, and tails. It got ...

Persian breed is old and originated in Mesopotamia, today’s Iran. It is an elegant long-haired beauty, who grabbed the attention of Pietro Della Valle, an Italian and a world traveler. In 1626, he brought the first Persian cat to Europe. ...

In Mid-1800, England’s Industrial Revolution was at its peak. Nottingham was a hub for lace making, but due to the increasing threat to cottage industries lace trade was relocated. The tiny bulldog became a mascot of the lace makers in ...

At the end of 1800, Captain Max – a German Cavalry Officer decided to breed an ideal German Herder. Along with other breeder friends, Captain Max crossed different strains from the central and northern districts in Germany. Ultimately, the ancestor ...

Most Popular Dog Beds in 2020 for Small and Large Breeds Bed for a dog is not different than what it means for humans. Our canine companion wants their beds to be a good resting place. Every dog bed is ...

Keep Your Dog Clean and Healthy with Right Pet Grooming Tools With a pet dog at home, grooming is your prime concern. Regular shampoo session and brushing is the basic grooming for every pet. Using the right kind of brush ...